Sunday, August 17, 2008

my book

i am writing a book - who isn't? Ever notice how something will happen - an event that receives a lot of notoriety - then suddenly there are three books published on the subject. How do they do it? Well, my book isn't going to be like that - published I mean. When i get the official copyright, i will post it in serial form on this blog. It will involve murder, dismemberment, love, betrayal and redemption (of a sort). I have been working night and day. Wish i was better at InDesign. I'm fighting bounding boxes which appear here and there, now and then - even when I say hide them. I'm afraid I shall have to place an addendum apologizing for the uneven appearance of my tome. I find the computer world in general is fraught with mayhem. All week i have been betrayed by the silly thing. Lost email, printer not recognized, scanner in high dudgeon. All because I installed an upgrade. They are oh so happy to take your money but oh so aloof and chary of your inquiries. For $50 you can talk to an Adobe tech (I am out of warranty) who is residing somewhere in Calcutta and is generally a sweet person but unable to really be of any assistance. But, i digress into bitter mutterings - I'm sure we have all had the same experiences.


Margaret Dyer said...

I'm so glad to see you're writing the book. While I was out of town this week, you're not going to believe this, I'm sure, but I actually stopped a minute and thought, I would really love to have more of your stuff to read. A real chewy book. Maybe it was while I was in the airport looking for a paperback. I wound up with a John Grisham real crime story (harrowing--couldn't put it down, started it yesterday on the plane around 11, finished late last night around 3). But I think it's about time the world gets to see your stuff.

Margaret Dyer said...

I'm so glad to see you're writing the book. While I was out of town this week, you're not going to believe this, I'm sure, but I actually stopped a minute and thought, I would really love to have more of your stuff to read. A real chewy book. Maybe it was while I was in the airport looking for a paperback. I wound up with a John Grisham real crime story (harrowing--couldn't put it down, started it yesterday on the plane around 11, finished late last night around 3). But I think it's about time the world gets to see your stuff.